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How do you log in?

Ismydea - Donna che Riflette

You have 3 possibilities:


  • You can freely consult all the contents

  • You can share what you like

  • Free


  • You can freely consult all the contents

  • You can share what you like

  • You can express your opinions on the contents and authors

  • You can communicate with the authors and ismydea

  • Free


what you must have:

  • your email address


  • You can freely consult all the contents

  • You can share what you like

  • You can express your opinions on the contents and authors

  • You can communicate with the authors and ismydea

  • You can register your works

  • You can certify your works (Blockchain)


what you must have:

  • your email address

  • your tax billing information (Private or Company)

  • a smart phone for MFA authentication **

  • a credit card for payment

** MFA authentication

it is a secure method to access your profiles

there are many programs that offer this service for free

if you already have one of these programs use it

if you don't have this program, you need to find one

to help you nor do we indicate one that is free,

we have no economic or functional interest in its use

Ismydea . Intellectual property bank

protect your creativity

  • Your ideas will be safe

  • No one will be able to see them

  • Decide you if and when to make them public

Do not be a fool, it's simple.

Record first, then broadcast

IsMyDea only certifies that you have entered content in its registers at a certain date and time.

Registering content on IsMyDea is NOT equivalent to filing a patent application. IsMyDea DOES NOT provide certificates of authenticity or ownership of what is deposited in its records. The user who asks isMyDea for the publication of contents guarantees that these do not infringe the rights of third parties or mandatory regulations. Otherwise, he will be called to answer for all the consequences that may derive from his conduct.

Patentable inventions must be made public after the related patent application has been filed,

YOU CANregister them on isMyDeabut you MUST NOT make them public.

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Ismydea . Intellectual property bank

isMyDea srl - Via Venezuela, 4 - 20151 Milan - +39 02.4954.3953 - - VAT number 09496610966

isMyDea Intellectual Property Bank - Blockchain - isMyDea.Bank - protezione brevetti - tutela dei diritti d'autore - Blockchain - copyright blockchain - Registro Opere dell'ingegno

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