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registro opere ingegno

Patent Protection

With isMyDea and Blockchain technology, you will have the ability to register and protect your idea, work or project. Register and get YOUR certificate of ownership!

Do you have an idea and want to protect it from possible plagiarism?

Register it IMMEDIATELY in isMyDea, you will get YOUR certificateBlockchain, it will only cost you 2 euros!
isMyDea is the innovative register of intellectual works to support the protection ofIntellectual property.

What is Blockchain in simple words.

The Blockchain System is a global archive that securely records contentobtaining univocal certificates that cannot be changed.
You can also deposit ideas in the pre-patent or draft phase in isMyDea, maintaining the secrecy and novelty necessary for obtaining industrial property titles.
The isMyDea Blockchain service is designed to protect all creators and inventors in the world, from the danger of possible plagiarism or illicit use by third parties, with a certificate that guarantees that at a certain date and time, the author has registered that document.
The Certificate and the document will allow the author to demonstrate and protect his work.

Why isMyDea

thesMyDea was born with the aim of giving everyone the opportunity to register with avery small amount(2 euro) your own idea or project within its archives.


isMyDea Every day is on the side of your genius, support your ideas and your intellectual works by protecting your copyright.


Protecting your idea, your work, your project and any other work of your genius has never been easier!With isMyDea in just a few clicks, directly online, you can protect your creativity or your strategic projects for only 2 euros!


Register for free and get the maternity certificate of your work.


isMyDea Every day is on the side of genius, supporting your ideas and your intellectual works while protecting your copyright.


If you need more information contact us without obligation at +39 02.4954.3953 or write to

See also:Register of Works of Ingenuity

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Ismydea . Intellectual property bank

isMyDea srl - Via Venezuela, 4 - 20151 Milan - +39 02.4954.3953 - - VAT number 09496610966

isMyDea Intellectual Property Bank - Blockchain - isMyDea.Bank - protezione brevetti - tutela dei diritti d'autore - Blockchain - copyright blockchain - Registro Opere dell'ingegno

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